The goal of this title is to explain the basic steps of creating a WordPress theme. This book focuses on the development, creation, and enhancement of WordPress themes, and therefore does not cover general 'how to' information about WordPress and all its many features and capabilities. This title assumes you have some level of understanding and experience with the basics of the WordPress publishing platform. The WordPress publishing platform has excellent online documentation, which can be found at This title does not try to replace or duplicate that documentation, but is intended as a companion to it.
My hope is to save you some time inding relevant information on how to create and modify themes in the extensive WordPress codex, help you understand how WordPress themes work, and show you how to design and build rich, in-depth WordPress themes yourself. Throughout the book, wherever applicable, I'll point you to the relevant WordPress codex documentation along with many other useful online articles and sites...
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WordPress Theme Design
1 cangkeman Tjap: Web
Illustrator CS for Dummies
Welcome to Illustrator CS For Dummies. You’re reading this book because you want to find out more about Adobe Illustrator. That’s a very smart move because Adobe Illustrator is the industry-standard graphics software. Not only does it outsell all its competitors combined, it’s also the most powerful graphics-creation tool ever created. With Illustrator, all you need to produce graphics like the best you’ve seen in print or on the Web is knowledge and artistic ability. Artistic ability is a challenge that you can handle on your own. The other half — knowledge — is what this book is all about.
Like a tragic hero, the great power of Illustrator is also its terrible curse. With its 30+ palettes, 70+ tools, and scores of menu items, its sheer depth is enough to make the most hardened graphics expert go shaky in the knees. Don’t be fooled by Illustrator’s vastness, however, because you will find a unique, consistent logic underlying it all. After you master a few basics, all the rest falls nicely into place.
In this book, our mission is to get you past Illustrator’s intimidation factor and into its Wow! factor. I take you from being befuddled and mystified by Illustrator’s nigh-infinite options to creating the kinds of graphics that others look at and say, “Wow, how did you do that?”...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
Adobe Illustrator CS2 Revealed
Welcome to Adobe Illustrator CS2—Revealed. This book offers creative projects, concise instructions, and complete coverage of basic to advanced Illustrator skills, helping you to create polished, professional-looking illustrations. Use this book as you learn Illustrator, and then use it later as your own reference guide.
This text is organized into thirteen chapters. In these chapters you will learn many skills, including how to draw illustrations, transform objects, work with layers, patterns, brushes, and filters, use effects, create graphics for the Web, create graphs, work in 3D, and prepare files for print production...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
Microsoft Windows XP Registry Guide
The registry is the heart and soul of Microsoft Windows XP. In my other registry books, I said the same thing about the registry in every version of Windows since Microsoft Windows 95, and by the time you're finished reading this book, I hope you'll agree. The registry contains the configuration data that makes the operating system work. The registry enables developers to organize configuration data in ways that are impossible with other mechanisms, such as INI files. It's behind just about every feature in Windows XP that you think is cool. More importantly, it enables you to customize Windows XP in ways you can't through the user interface.
Windows XP and every application that runs on Microsoft's latest desktop operating system do absolutely nothing without consulting the registry first. When you double−click a file, Windows XP consults the registry to figure out what to do with it. When you install a device, Windows XP assigns resources to the device based on information in the registry and then stores the device's configuration in the registry. When you run an application such as Microsoft Word 2002, the application looks up your preferences in the registry. If you were to monitor the registry during a normal session, you'd see the registry serves up thousands of values within minutes.
In this book, you will learn how to customize the registry, but you must also learn how to take care of the registry. You must learn how to back up the registry so you can restore it if things go awry. You must also learn the best practices for editing the registry safely...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Ms Windows
Cepat Mahir Windows 2000 Server
Windows 2000 Server merupakan Network Operating System (NOS) untuk melakukan konfigurasi dan manajemen jaringan baik skala kecil, menengah, maupun besar. Teknologi sistem operasi Windows 2000 sebenarnya merupakan kelanjutan teknologi Windows NT yang telah cukup lama digunakan secara luas di pasaran. Keluarga Windows 2000 terdiri dari 4 jenis sistem operasi, 3 diantaranya merupakan sistem operasi untuk server dan 1 untuk workstation.
Versi Professional dikhususkan sebagai sistem operasi desktop sebagaimana Windows 98 dan Windows Milenium Edition. Sistem ini diposisikan untuk menggantikan Windows NT Workstation, dan dapat digunakan pada berbagai kebutuhan skala bisnis.
Windows 2000 Professional mendukung penggunaan dual processor sehingga memberikan kinerja sistem lebih baik untuk berbagai aplikasi serius. Berbagai feature baru seperti System Preparation Tools dan Setup Manager Wizard semakin memudahkan administrator sistem dalam proses instalasi untuk banyak komputer. Sistem ini sangat ideal digunakan sebagai klien Windows 2000 Server karena memiliki dukungan penuh terhadap berbagai fasilitas Windows 2000 Server, terutama Active Directory dan Group Policy...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Ms Windows
Wireless Ethernet LAN (WLAN) F.A.Q.
Q: What is a Wireless LAN (WLAN)?
A: A WLAN is a type of Local Area Network (LAN) that uses high frequency radio waves rather than wires to communicate and transmit data. It is a flexible data communication system implemented as an extension to or as an alternative for, a wired LAN...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Networking
Super Sexual Orgasm - A Woman’s Guide to Guaranteed Satisfaction
Within every woman’s body lies the potential for ex-traordinary pleasure—pleasure so consuming and compelling that, once experienced, it immediately and permanently re-defines a woman’s understanding of her own sexuality. Every woman deserves to discover this potential and embrace this pleasure, and I have written this book to be your guide.
I am a sex therapist in southern California, and I have been writing, teaching, and working with individuals in private practice for many years. I believe sex is one of the purest forms of human endeavor. Sex is kaleidoscopic in its expressive and experiential possibility. It can be joyously exuberant. It can be a thrilling adventure into the unknown. It can be soothing and centering. Sex cuts to the core of who you are as an individual. It is the ultimate arena of sharing between people. It is the nourishing confluence of so many special elements: touch, physicality, communication, play, genital activity, arousal, orgasm, and intimacy. But none of this is possible if we are not connected to our own sensual potential...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Windows XP Gigabook for Dummies
This book is like four different books wrapped up in one convenient volume. It’s jam-packed with tips, advice, shortcuts, and how-to’s to help you squeeze the last drop of fun or profit from your computer. It’s a reference book. It isn’t meant to be read from start to finish. Dip into it when you need to solve a problem, you want to investigate a new use for your computer, or you want to find out if there is a better way to do a task...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Ms Windows
Hacking Windows XP
This book is the result of several years of research into the subject of the Windows operating system. It is a more polished and portable companion to the author’s Web site,, which is located at Most of the information contained in this book is completely new content that was never before published on
This book is meant to be read from start to finish in order. However, it was also written so that it can be used as a reference manual of different hacks. Feel free to skip around if you do not want to take the full journey of customizing, optimizing, and securing Windows XP...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Ms Windows