The Citizens Homeland Defense Guide - The Art of Survival

9 November 2009 |

We hope that this guide will stir in you a willingness to continue to pursue the American dream. We all must become diligent in our learning, courageous in our actions, and fearless in our hearts. Its the primary evil of man that manifested on 9-11 that challenges us to overcome those forces. We must continue to trust in GOD and pray without ceasing for freedom. Freedom is never given freely its paid for by blood, sweat, and the willingness to teach the history of such honorable sacrifices . Review the information in this guide and get the addition information and learn, learn, and apply. Pass this on as much as you can so others my become in formed. We love to get information from you for our next issues. Please joining our newsletter to get alerts that effects millions of people worldwide. May GOD bless you and protect you...

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