Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Aplications, Problems and Solutions

5 March 2008 |

Making sense of the extensive disciplines and sub-topics within computer graphics and multimedia is a lifelong challenge. No one can be versed in all areas at once due to the vast amounts of information that exists on all the subject areas and due to the dynamic nature of technology. Inevitably, we specialize. Programmers create programs and artists create art. Computer scientists are programmers and artists use computers to paint digitally and perform graphic design. That’s the way it is today, is that not accurate? Nothing could be further from the truth. In 1919, Bauhaus pioneer Wassily Kandinsky stated, “And so the arts are encroaching upon one another, and from a proper use of this encroachment will rise the art that is truly monumental” (Packer, xv, 2001). The emergence art that is truly monumental has not yet been seen. The same can be said of technology and science. Of course, time is marked by influential events that shape the history of the discipline, but one monumental event ultimately replaces another. Looking back is essential to growth, but looking forward to “the next big thing” is the prominent response to success. What has emerged on a superficial level is an artistic and technical society that has ingrained disciplinary boundaries that often characterize researchers, scholars, and artists as one-dimensional practitioners that do not stray from their grass roots. This notion has been changed with the growth of digital technology...

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