RPM is the "Red Hat Package Manager" and is the heart of the Red Hat Linux distribution. It's most basic functionality is to install and de−install packages. This document is geared toward installing RPM on a slackware system using an Intel processor, but the information contained herein should be applicable to any distribution. The latest version of this HOWTO is always available at http://www.threepoint.com/HOWTO/RPM+Slackware.html
For further reading, consult the RPM−HOWTO (available at your neighborhood LDP mirror). Also, consider buying a copy of the excellent book, Maximum RPM, by Ed Bailey of Red Hat Software, Inc...
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RPM+Slackware Mini−Howto
0 cangkeman Tjap: Linux
Slackware Linux Essentials
Linus Torvalds started Linux, an operating system kernel, as a personal project in 1991. He started the project because he wanted to run a Unix-based operating system without spending a lot of money. In addition, he wanted to learn the ins and outs of the 386 processor. Linux was released free of charge to the public so that anyone could study it and make improvements under the General Public License. (See Section 1.3 and Appendix A for an explanation of the license.) Today, Linux has grown into a major player in the operating system market. It has been ported to run on a variety of system architectures, including HP/Compaq’s Alpha, Sun’s SPARC and UltraSPARC, and Motorola’s PowerPC chips (through Apple Macintosh and IBM RS/6000 computers.) Hundreds, if not thousands, of programmers all over the world now develop Linux. It runs programs like Sendmail, Apache, and BIND, which are very popular software used to run Internet servers. It’s important to remember that the term “Linux” really refers to the kernel - the core of the operating system. This core is responsible for controlling your computer’s processor, memory, hard drives, and peripherals. That’s all Linux really does: It controls the operations of your computer and makes sure that all of its programs behave. Various companies and individuals bundle the kernel and various programs together to make an operating system. We call each bundle a Linux distribution...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Linux
Chip Digital 02 2002
Pembaca CHIP yang terhormat,
Sistem operasi Windows tidak pernah lepas dari masalah. Tapi pernahkah Anda perhatikan, bahwa masalah biasanya timbul setelah Windows diisi dengan banyak aplikasi yang 'keluar-masuk'. Sama seperti manusia,Windows pun perlu menjaga kebersihan lingkungan sistemnya agar terhindar dari berbagai sumber 'kuman penyakit' seperti entry registry, file .DLL, temporary atau file lainnya yang tertinggal dari aplikasi lama. Tanpa tool khusus biasanya masalah ini sukar untuk diatasi. Setidaknya begitulah pengalaman yang banyak dialami pengguna Windows pada umumnya. Banyak yang beranggapan bahwa menjaga 'kelestarian' sistem Windows agar selalu 'awet muda', sulit dilakukan orang awam karena butuh pengetahuan yang lebih mendalam. Anggapan tersebut tidak seluruhnya benar. Dalam tulisan “Membersihkan Windows”, CHIP akan menunjukkan, bagaimana menjaga sistem operasi agar selalu bersih dengan cepat dan mudah agar Windows Anda bebas dari masalah...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Magazine
Chip Digital 01 2002
Pembaca CHIP yang terhormat,
Seperti yang diumumkan di edisi 10/2001 yang lalu, CHIP 11/2001 edisi akhir tahun ini tampil lebih tebal dan lebih berisi dengan harga tetap. Bisnis hardware/ software komputer di akhir tahun yang biasanya cenderung lesu/menurun, bukan alasan bagi kami untuk ikut menurunkan kualitas dan kuantitas isi majalah. Sebagai menu utama, kami telah memilihkan topik eksklusif menarik yang lain dari biasanya, yaitu “Tip Terbaik yang Belum Dikenal”. Tulisan ini didasari oleh pemikiran bahwa semua media komputer, baik majalah maupun tabloid selalu memuat tip atau trik di setiap edisinya. Tidak jarang, pembaca merasa bosan karena tip-tip yang disajikan berkisar seputar topik yang sama dengan cara yang itu-itu saja. Oleh karena itu, dalam tulisan utama edisi ini, CHIP telah memilih dan menyeleksi tip-tip terbaik yang kebanyakan sangat mungkin belum pernah Anda baca atau ketahui dari sumber manapun juga. Topiknya mulai dari Windows, Office, ponsel, Internet, PC, CPU, sound card, dan hardware lainnya. Untuk memudahkan Anda, pada setiap tip terdapat indikasi waktu yang diperlukan untuk melakukan tip tersebut dan indikasi efek yang dihasilkannya...
Download full article: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=19SKGNC0
0 cangkeman Tjap: Magazine
Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic for Applications Fundamentals
Creating documents, building databases, and writing e-mail are just some of the things you can do with Microsoft Office 2000. But Office 2000 also gives you a way to do these and other tasks, as well as extend built-in functionality, through Microsoft Visual Basic programming. This book shows you how to develop the Visual Basic code that will let your Visual Basic programs automate tasks, tie content together, extend existing functionality, and develop new functionality for Office applications through COM add-ins. You'll learn how to take features beyond their original design in order to meet the needs of your customers or your company.
Microsoft Office 2000 Visual Basic for Applications Fundamentals is organized by task rather than by application. For example, the task of retrieving the current selection in the Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Outlook applications is discussed in one place. The same goes for saving Word, Excel, or PowerPoint documents. Whether you need to develop code that accomplishes a task in any single application or in all of them, you will understand the similarities and differences among the applications. The side-by-side comparisons and code samples give you a way of learning how to write code to accomplish the same task in several Office applications...
Download full article: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=1Z8LG98G
0 cangkeman Tjap: Ms Windows
SUSE Linux 9 Bible (2005)
Welcome to SUSE Linux 9 Bible! This book is for anyone who is interested in running a SUSE Linux system—at home or at work, “for fun or for profit.” It covers all the currently available versions from SUSE: The “9” in the title refers both to Enterprise Server 9 and SUSE Professional and Personal 9.x. Most of the content applies equally to previous versions also, however. We shall also describe SUSE’s two other business products: the OpenExchange Server and the SUSE Linux Desktop.
The book aims to supplement the documentation provided by SUSE and to show the reader how best to carry out a particular task on a SUSE system, making full use of SUSE’s configuration utilities. Many Linux books and “howto” documents provide generic instructions for carrying out particular tasks; however, it often turns out that these are either incorrect in details or unnecessarily complicated when applied to a particular distribution. In this book we aim to describe the best ways of working with SUSE in a wide variety of situations, making full use of SUSE’s specific configuration tools...
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1 cangkeman Tjap: Linux
SUSE Linux 9.3 For Dummies
SUSE Linux is an increasingly popular Linux distribution that competes Shead-on with Red Hat’s Linux versions. SUSE Linux’s fortunes have been on the rise following Novell’s acquisition of Germany’s SUSE Linux AG for $210 million. SUSE is looking for more growth in the U.S. marketplace, helped in part by IBM’s $50 million investment in Novell as part of the SUSE acquisition deal. On another positive note, after acquiring SUSE, Novell announced that SUSE’s famous YaST installation and configuration tool will become open source, licensed under the GNU General Public License. All these developments have generated a distinct “buzz” around SUSE Linux as the up-and-coming Linux distribution for everyone from home users to enterprise servers.
A significant factor in SUSE Linux’s increasing popularity is that unlike its competitor Red Hat’s singular focus on the enterprise market, Novell continues to address both the enterprise market and Linux enthusiasts. Specifically, the SUSE Linux Professional product is aimed at small-office/home-office users as well as those wishing to experiment with the SUSE Linux as their desktop system. SUSE Linux Professional is sold as boxed sets through distributors as well as online stores. SUSE Linux Professional with a typical retail price tag of $89.95 (with lower prices for students and for those updating from a previous version) is a complete Linux distribution, suitable for small office/home office or even an enterprise. This book includes a DVD with a Special Edition version of SUSE Linux Professional, with everything you need to use it as a personal desktop system. This book also includes a coupon that you can use to purchase a copy of the full SUSE Linux Professional distribution...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Linux
Kumpulan Cerita 17tahun.com
Situs spesialis cerita dewasa terpopular Indonesia dengan koleksi ribuan cerita terlengkap dan terbanyak yang terbagi dalam beberapa kategori.
Situs ini adalah situs yang berisikan materi-materi berbau pornografi atau menceritakan adegan seksual tanpa sensor, hanya kami tujukan bagi kalangan dewasa berusia 17 tahun keatas dan telah menikah.
Jika anda masih berada di luar cakupan tersebut atau tidak ingin membaca dan melihat materi-materi pornografi dan seksual, maka anda diharuskan untuk segera meninggalkan situs ini sebelum melangkah terlalu jauh...
Download full article: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=95BJD1OE
10 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Nunggu yang Saru?
Sebenernya saya di rumah punya lho koleksi bundel-bundel cerita (saru) dari 17tahun.com (RIP) jaman dulu itu. Cuma ya rasanya bingung aja, mau diupload di sini atau enggak.
Yeah, doakan saja semoga saya cepat mengambil keputusan, hohoho!
Effective C++ Third Edition 55 Specific Ways to Improve Your Programs and Designs
By Scott Meyers
The first two editions of Effective C++ were embraced by hundreds of thousands of programmers worldwide. The reason is clear: Scott Meyers' practical approach to C++ describes the rules of thumb used by the experts—the things they almost always do or almost always avoid doing—to produce clear, correct, efficient code.The book is organized around 55 specific guidelines, each of which describes a way to write better C++. Each is backed by concrete examples. For this third edition, more than half the content is new, including added chapters on managing resources and using templates. Topics from the second edition have been extensively revised to reflect modern design considerations, including exceptions, design patterns, and multithreading.Important features of Effective C++ include: Expert guidance on the design of effective classes, functions, templates, and inheritance hierarchies. Applications of new "TR1" standard library functionality, along with comparisons to existing standard library components. Insights into differences between C++ and other languages (e.g., Java, C#, C) that help developers from those languages assimilate "the C++ way" of doing things...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Programming
3ds max 5 For Dummies
by Shamms Mortier
Welcome to the world of virtual 3D design and animation, as crafted and presented in 3ds max — no less than the world’s largest-selling 3D application. 3ds max (insert the trumpet fanfare here) is used all over the world by thousands of designers to develop 3D interactive games and realistic 3D effects for movies and television, and to create astounding 3D content for display on the Web. Purchasing and working through this book will give you an enhanced introduction to 3D design and animation in general — and some hands-on experience with 3ds max itself — to bring your 3D ideas to life.
For folks unfamiliar with the way 3D software works, using 3ds max can be a daunting task. Just hefting the weighty documentation that comes with the software can be frightening. The documentation is thorough and detailed enough, but it’s not quite as welcoming as your grandmother waiting at the door with fresh baked cookies to soothe your fears. When you first open the software on the screen, you may get another shock. The complexity looks overwhelming to many beginners, so much so that it may cause you to stare at the 3ds max interface in a wide-eyed slack-jawed fashion. This book, on the other hand, is designed so that your introduction to 3ds max will be as warm and fuzzy as possible, while at the same time presenting all the information you need to know in order to dive into the realm of your own 3D visions...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: 3D Modeling
Algorithms for programmers
ideas and source code
This is a draft of a book about selected algorithms. The audience in mind are programmers who are interested in the treated algorithms and actually want to create and understand working and reasonably optimized code.
The style varies somewhat which I do not consider bad per se: While some topics (as fast Fourier transforms) need a clear and explicit introduction others (like the bit wizardry chapter) seem to be best presented by basically showing the code with just a few comments.
The pseudo language Sprache is used when I see a clear advantage to do so, mainly when the corresponding C++ does not appear to be self explanatory. Larger pieces of code are presented in C++. C programmers do not need to be shocked by the ‘++’ as only a rather minimal set of the C++ features is used. Some of the code, especially in part 3 (Arithmetical algorithms), is given in the pari/gp language as the use of other languages would likely bury the idea in technicalities...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Programming
Cooking - Chinese Recipe Sampler
Chinese Recipe Sampler
Enjoy 100,000 World Class Recipes
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (The End)
..."O. Apakah yang sepantasnya aku lakukan?" terdengar Gajah Sora berdesah. Kedua tangannya tiba-tiba telah menutupi wajahnya. Dalam kebingungan itu ia bergumam. "Kalau saja Sultan tidak ada disana. Kalau saja panji-panji Gula Kepala itu tidak berkibar disana pula."...
Download full article: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9LUOHFK8
0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (VIII)
..."Nah, lakukanlah pesanku itu", berkata Prabasemi kemudian perlahan-lahan, "kau akan mendapat hadiah daripadaku. Lebih banyak dari yang sudah aku berikan. Biarlah seandainya putri itu mendapat pingitan yang lebih keras dari ibunda. Aku tidak peduli lagi, asalkan kau tidak ikut dipingit pula."...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (VII)
..."Pasingsingan," desis Arya. Orang itu tertawa. Suaranya berat dan kasar. Katanya, "Apakah hanya Pasingsingan yang memiliki topeng di dunia ini?"...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (VI)
...Dengan seksama Arya mengamat-amati orang tua itu. Lima tahun lebih ia tidak bertemu. Dan tiba-tiba orang tua itu kini berdiri dihadapannya dengan wajah sayu. Dan tiba-tiba pula Arya teringat kepada maksud kedatangannya. Sebelum pecah perang antar saudara itu, ia benar-benar ingin bersujud di bawah kaki kakeknya serta mohon restu kepadanya...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (V)
...Karena itu tiba-tiba Kanigara ingin mengetahui dengan pasti, siapakah orang-orang itu. Demikian juga agaknya Mahesa Jenar dan bahkan ketiga kawan-kawannya. Maka bertanyalah kemudian Kebo Kanigara, "Dari manakah kalian mendengar berita tentang kedua keris itu?"...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (IV)
...Uling Kuning terkejut mendengar suara itu. Apalagi kemudian muncullah diantara laksar Gedangan, seseorang yang telah dikenalnya dengan baik, Mahesa Jenar. Seorang yang pernah memanaskan hatinya karena ia telah menggagalkan pertemuan golongannya beberapa tahun yang lampau di daerah Rawa Pening. Sebagai tuan rumah pada waktu itu ia merasa tersinggung sekali...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (III)
..."Sebenarnya saat ini aku sedang mengemban suatu tugas yang berat. Tugas yang tidak boleh diketahui oleh orang lain. Sekarang, karena kau telah cukup dewasa, ternyata seorang sakti yang tak dikenal telah berkenan langsung mengajarmu, maka baiklah aku berterus-terang pula. Saat ini aku sedang berusaha untuk mencari dua pusaka Istana yang hilang, berwujud keris yang bernama Kyai Nagasasra dan Kyai Sabuk Inten."...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (II)
...Bahkan aku sendiri tidak perduli kepada masa lampau itu. Dan sekarang menghadapi saat terakhirmu kau tidak usah mengigau tentang Pasingsingan. Apakah aku Pasingsingan sahabatmu ataukah Pasingsingan yang lain tidaklah penting bagimu. Tetapi Pasingsingan yang sekarang berada dihadapanmu inilah yang akan menentukan saat terakhirmu bersama-sama dengan kedua orang yang terlalu sombong itu....
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (I)
...Menyaksikan hilangnya Lawa Ijo di depan matanya, Mahesa jenar dan Gajah Alit menjadi gusar bukan kepalang. Dan sekarang kegusarannya itu hanya dapat ditumpahkan kepada lawannya yang ketika itu juga sudah berusaha untuk melarikan diri. Maka dengan kekuatan penuh, Mahesa Jenar segera menghantam lawannya. Pisau yang dipegang oleh kedua orang itu sama sekali tak berarti...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Blog Archive
- RPM+Slackware Mini−Howto
- Slackware Linux Essentials
- Chip Digital 02 2002
- Chip Digital 01 2002
- Microsoft Office 2000/Visual Basic for Application...
- SUSE Linux 9 Bible (2005)
- SUSE Linux 9.3 For Dummies
- Kumpulan Cerita 17tahun.com
- Nunggu yang Saru?
- Effective C++ Third Edition 55 Specific Ways to Im...
- 3ds max 5 For Dummies
- Algorithms for programmers
- Cooking - Chinese Recipe Sampler
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (The End)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (VIII)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (VII)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (VI)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (V)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (IV)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (III)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (II)
- Naga Sasra dan Sabuk Inten (I)