Banyak orang bilang "Kalau mau kaya, jangan lama-lama jadi karyawan. Keluar dan bukalah usaha sendiri." Pertanyaannya: betulkah bekerja sebagai karyawan tidak bisa membuat Anda jadi kaya? Jawabannya: ternyata tidak betul...!
Dalam buku ini, ada 5 kiat agar seorang karyawan bisa jadi kaya:
1. Beli & Miliki Sebanyak Mungkin Harta Produktif,
2. Atur Pengeluaran Anda,
3. Hati-hati dengan Utang,
4. Sisihkan untuk Masa Depan,
5. Miliki Proteksi.
Dipenuhi dengan sejumlah contoh serta langkah praktis untuk setiap kiatnya, buku ini pantas menjadi pegangan bagi Anda yang bekerja sebagai karyawan...
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"Siapa Bilang Jadi Karyawan Nggak Bisa Kaya?" 5 Kiat Praktis Mengelola Gaji agar Bisa Kaya
0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
200 ways to revive a hard drive
We based one of our most popular pop quiz challenges on a situation every tech support person has faced or will face at least once: a failed hard drive. In that particular case, a Compaq Prolinea 4/66 user was getting errors like "disk 0 error" and "invalid drive specification." Here were the other facts in the case:
- The data wasn't backed up.
- The problem came out of nowhere.
- The user had accessed Setup and tried to manually enter the settings for the drive type when "Auto" didn't work.
- There was no startup disk made by this machine.
Reviving a drive like that one-even if only long enough to copy its data before you throw the drive in the garbage-is a tough challenge. When I asked TechRepublic members how they would troubleshoot a situation like this one, we received over 200 solutions, and we heard from a number of TechRepublic members who wanted to know "what everybody else suggested." So we decided to publish this collection of over 200 ways to revive a hard drive...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Hardware
Visual C# 2005 Recipes A Problem-Solution Approach
Mastering the development of Microsoft .NET Framework applications in C# is less about knowing the C# language and more about knowing how to use the functionality of the .NET Framework class library most effectively. Visual C# 2005 Recipes explores the breadth of the .NET Framework class library and provides specific solutions to common and interesting programming problems. Each solution (or recipe) is presented in a succinct problem/solution format and most are accompanied by working code samples.
Visual C# 2005 Recipes is not intended to teach you how to program, nor to teach you C#. However, if you have even the most rudimentary experience programming applications built on the .NET Framework using C#, you will find this book to be an invaluable resource.
Ideally, when you are facing a problem, this book will contain a recipe that provides the solution, or at least it will point you in the right direction. Even if you just want to broaden your knowledge of the .NET Framework class library, Visual C# 2005 Recipes is the perfect resource to assist you...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Programming
Menggunakan script otomatis untuk mengatur settingan network di notebook yang dipakai di lokasi yang berbeda
Memakai Linux di notebook merupakan suatu kebanggaan tersendiri, sebab menginstallnya kadang memerlukan usaha lebih dibandingkan bila menginstall di PC desktop, sebab driverdriver Linux yang tersedia untuk hardware notebook masih relatif lebih sedikit dari PC desktop, terutama driver network card, modem, infrared port (irda), dan bluetoothnya. Ok, bila akhirnya Linux berhasil diinstall, muncul kendala ketika kita menggunakan notebook ini di lokasi yang berbeda...
...misalkan di kantor dan di rumah. Sebab kemungkinan besar settingan network di kantor dan di rumah berbeda, baik itu IP address, Gateway, DNS, dll. Akan merepotkan sekali bila kita harus setiap kali mengubah settingan network notebook kita ketika berpindah dari kantor ke rumah, dan esoknya balik lagi kantor.
Artikel ini akan membahas sebuah trik efisien bagaimana menggunakan script untuk melakukan settingan network tersebut secara otomatis dan cepat. Penulis menggunakan Mandrake 9.2, namun script ini dapat pula untuk distro yang lain dengan menyesuaikan letak file dan startup script di distro yang bersangkutan.
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Networking
UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1, Third Edition: The Sockets Networking API
"Everyone will want this book because it provides a great mix of practical experience, historical perspective, and a depth of understanding that only comes from being intimately involved in the field. I've already enjoyed and learned from reading this book, and surely you will too."
-Sam Leffler
The classic guide to UNIX networking APIs... now completely updated!
To build today's highly distributed, networked applications and services, you need deep mastery of sockets and other key networking APIs. One book delivers comprehensive, start-to-finish guidance for building robust, high-performance networked systems in any environment: UNIX Network Programming, Volume 1, Third Edition...
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1 cangkeman Tjap: Networking
15 Minute Guide to SSH Security
Many people rely on secure shell (SSH) as a method of securing terminal connections between hosts. I personally use SSH to connect to my servers because of the simple fact that my username, password and my entire session are encrypted, safe from prying eyes.
Secure Shell (SSH) is a program to log into another computer over a network, to execute commands in a remote machine, and to move files from one machine to another. It provides strong authentication and secure communications over unsecure channels. It is intended as a replacement for rlogin, rsh, and rcp...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Networking
Building Wireless Community Networks
Building Wireless Community Networks is about getting people connected to one another. Wireless technology is being used right now to connect neighborhoods, businesses, and schools to the vast, massively interconnected, and nebulous entity known as the Internet. One of the goals of this book is to help you get your community "unplugged" and online, using inexpensive off-the-shelf equipment...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Networking
Troubleshooting Your PC for Dummies
Wow! This book made it to the second edition. Who’d have thunk that there was that much PC trouble out there?
Ah. The innocent. The naïve. The newbies. . . .
For the uninitiated, I have news for you: Trouble lurks around your computer like teenagers at the mall. That’s why you need this book! It uncovers the secrets and the power lurking beneath the goofy-colored Windows shell. Trouble will run scared and naked as you merely show this book’s cover to your computer monitor. No more waiting on hold to get the answers! No more reinstalling Windows! The truth, well, it’s in here!
Computers aren’t supposed to die or crash or hang or bomb or toss a hissy fit for no apparent reason. But, as any computer owner knows, computers often don’t do what they’re told. In it-was-working-yesterday syndrome, for some reason your computer decides that today is a different day and so it will act up. And in the who-owns-the-problem? issue, you have to decide whether the printer isn’t working because of the printer itself or because of Windows or because of the application that’s trying to print. I won’t even bore you with random Internet-disconnect problems, dead mice, monitors thrust into stupid mode, and a myriad of other problems — because these and other issues are all adequately covered, cured, and remedied throughout this handy little book.
Oh! And that Dummies thing? Face it: Anyone who uses a computer feels intimidated enough. It’s not that you’re a dummy, but dealing with these plastic and silicon monsters certainly makes anyone feel like a dummy. Relax! It’s the For Dummies approach that lets you recognize that it’s you who is in charge of your PC’s destiny. You can tame the beast! This book shows you how...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Hardware
Google Secrets
The Powerful Secrets of Google Adwords & Google Search Options
Most of us know how hard and difficult it is now in the competitive world of business online and marketing our products to get them sold and make it all work online, hopefully fully automated (I have a dream!) but not least, work from home without having to get up at 6:45 am to be at work by 9:00 am due to the heavy traffic volume (and for those in winter climates, I feel your pain) and in some cases, winter storms or cold rain.
Most of us strive for a little more than that. Whether you are looking to start up a home business through eBay or want to become the next Google Search Engine, we all have to start somewhere and most of us usually start from home in our personal computers, part-time after work or after the kids have gone to bed.
First and foremost, whether you have a business or business idea ready or not you do need to have something that you truly enjoying working with whether it be writing, selling or participating in affiliate programs. One thing is for sure, to make this guide a very useful tool you need to have a product, service or idea to make this all worthwhile.
Once you have found your product or service, this is where our little guide here comes in handy. I am constantly amazed at how many great products and services there are out there and THEY ARE NOT SELLING. So much focus and attention to detail was put into the product and website that all the time (and money) was spent and by that time, most people are just too overwhelmed to take on an effective marketing campaign...
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Hacking for Dummies (2004)
Little more than 10 years ago, security was barely a newborn in diapers. With only a handful of security professionals in 1994, few practiced security and even fewer truly understood it. Security technologies amounted to little more than anti-virus software and packet filtering routers at that time. And the concept of a “hacker” came primarily from the Hollywood movie “War Games”; or more often it referred to someone with a low golf score. As a result, just like Rodney Dangerfield it got “no respect” and no one took it seriously. IT professionals saw it largely as a nuisance, to be ignored — that is until they were impacted by it.
Today, the number of Certified Information Systems Security Professionals (CISSP) have topped 23,000 ( worldwide, and there are more security companies dotting the landscape than anyone could possibly remember . Today security technologies encompass everything from authentication and authorization, to firewalls and VPNs. There are so many ways to address the security problem that it can cause more than a slight migraine simply considering the alternatives. And the term “hacker” has become a permanent part of our everyday vernacular — as defined in nearly daily headlines. The world (and its criminals) has changed dramatically...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Hacking
Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Web Application Construction Kit
By Ben Forta, Raymond Camden, Leon Chalnick, Angela Buraglia
With more than 75 of the Fortune 100 companies using it (and more than 10,000 organizations employing it worldwide), it's pretty much a given that if you're developing applications for the Web, you're going to need to know ColdFusion at some point! Not to worry: Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Web Application Construction Kit provides everything you need to start creating Web-based applications immediatelyincluding the latest version of the ColdFusion Web Application Server and development environment. Author and ColdFusion master Ben Forta starts by covering the fundamentals of Web-based database design and then proceeds to show you how to do everything from create data-driven pages to build complete applications, implement security mechanisms, integrate with e-mail, interact with Macromedia Flash, and more. From design and installation to application deployment and troubleshooting, this guide's got ColdFusion covered, including all the features new to the latest version: structured business reports, rich forms, Enterprise Manager (which lets users cluster multiple ColdFusion servers on a single machine), and more!...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Web
Ubuntu Hacks
The Ubuntu distribution simplifies Linux by providing a sensible collection of applications, an easy-to-use package manager, and lots of fine-tuning, which make it possibly the best Linux for desktops and laptops. Readers of both Linux Journal and TUX Magazine confirmed this by voting Ubuntu as the best Linux distribution in each publication's 2005 Readers Choice Awards. None of that simplification, however, makes Ubuntu any less fun if you're a hacker or a power user.
Like all books in the "Hacks" series, Ubuntu Hacks includes 100 quick tips and tricks for all users of all technical levels. Beginners will appreciate the installation advice and tips on getting the most out of the free applications packaged with Ubuntu, while intermediate and advanced readers will learn the ins-and-outs of power management, wireless roaming, 3D video acceleration, server configuration, and much more...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Linux
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 18 - Producing and Printing Consistent Color
To produce consistent color, you define the color space in which to edit and display RGB images, and in which to edit, display, and print CMYK images. This helps ensure a close match between on-screen and printed colors...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 17 - Setting Up Your Monitor for Color Management
The most basic requirement for color management is to calibrate your monitor and create an ICC profile for it. Applications that support color management will use your monitor’s ICC profile to display color graphics consistently. If you don’t have a hardware-based calibration and profiling utility, you can get reasonably accurate results using Adobe Gamma...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 16 - Creating Animated Images for the Web
To add dynamic content to your Web page, use Adobe ImageReady to create animated GIF images from a single image. Compact in file size, animated GIFs display and play in most Web browsers. ImageReady provides an easy and convenient way to create imaginative animations...
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1 cangkeman Tjap: Photoshop
SEO - Search Engine Optimization Bible
Search engine optimization (SEO) is such a broad term. It can be quite overwhelming if you try to take the whole of it in a single bite. There are so many facets of search engine optimization, from how search engines work (and they all work a little differently) to how a web page is designed. There are enough elements to worry about that you could spend far more time than you can afford to invest in trying to achieve the SEO you have in mind. However, search engine optimization doesn’t have to be such an onerous task that it can’t be accomplished. Not if you understand what it is and how it works...
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5 cangkeman Tjap: Internet
Search Engine Optimization An Hour a Day
How is your website doing on the search engines? Need a little help? Well, you’re holding the right book in your hands. This book will walk you through the steps to achieve a targeted, compelling presence on the major search engines. There are no secrets or tricks here, just down-to-earth, real-world advice and a clear program to get you where you want to be. And, with luck, you’ll even have a little fun along the way!...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Internet
Image Processing Principles and Applications
There is a growing demand of image processing in diverse application areas, such as multimedia computing, secured image data communication, biomedical imaging, biometrics, remote sensing, texture understanding, pattern recognition, content-based image retrieval, compression, and so on. As a result, it has become extremely important to provide a fresh look at the contents of an introductory book on image processing. We attempted to introduce some of these recent developments, while retaining the classical ones...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
How to Do Everything with Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2003
Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 is a presentation program, which means that you create presentations that you develop and show on your computer. Presentations are like slide shows, but no physical slides are necessary. While almost all computer users are familiar with word processing programs and many know what a spreadsheet is all about, many computer users have never used a presentation program.
All that is changing. The use of presentation programs is increasing geometrically. While design professionals once created most presentations, presentation programs such as PowerPoint have now made it easy for anyone to create an attractive, effective presentation in a few minutes. There are enough special features—such as clip art, sound files, and animation effects—to help you create a professional-looking presentation if you want to invest a little more time...
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2 cangkeman Tjap: Ms Office
Learn Programming with Flash MX
by Kristian Besley and Ben Renow-Clarke
Step inside the world of the Learn Programming with Flash MX class, where you will meet a group of fellow students and learn alongside them all about programming using ActionScript in Flash MX.
Under instructor Ken Jokol's guidance, you'll learn core programming principles and use them to create an exciting final case study.
What is Flash MX?
Flash is arguably the most exciting and essential web technology of the moment. We've chosen it for this course, not only because of its importance, but also because it's a great tool to teach programming with. If you've never used Flash before, then don't worry - you don't need any prior knowledge and you'll be shown all the basics of the program...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Programming
Hacker's Delight
By Henry S. Warren
"This is the first book that promises to tell the deep, dark secrets of computer arithmetic, and it delivers in spades. It contains every trick I knew plus many, many more. A godsend for library developers, compiler writers, and lovers of elegant hacks, it deserves a spot on your shelf right next to Knuth."-Josh Bloch
"When I first saw the title, I figured that the book must be either a cookbook for breaking into computers (unlikely) or some sort of compendium of little programming tricks. It's the latter, but it's thorough, almost encyclopedic, in its coverage." -Guy Steele
These are the timesaving techniques relished by computer hackers-those devoted and persistent code developers who seek elegant and efficient ways to build better software. The truth is that much of the computer programmer's job involves a healthy mix of arithmetic and logic. In Hacker's Delight, veteran programmer Hank Warren shares the tricks he has collected from his considerable experience in the worlds of application and system programming. Most of these techniques are eminently practical, but a few are included just because they are interesting and unexpected. The resulting work is an irresistible collection that will help even the most seasoned programmers better their craft.
Topics covered include:
A broad collection of useful programming tricks
Small algorithms for common tasks
Power-of-2 boundaries and bounds checking
Rearranging bits and bytes
Integer division and division by constants
Some elementary functions on integers
Gray code
Hilbert's space-filling curve
And even formulas for prime numbers!
This book is for anyone who wants to create efficient code. Hacker's Delight will help you learn to program at a higher level-well beyond what is generally taught in schools and training courses-and will advance you substantially further than is possible through ordinary self-study alone...
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Flash 8: Projects for Learning Animation and Interactivity
By Robert Hoekman, Jr., Rich Shupe
Macromedia Flash is fast becoming the Web's most widely used platform for creating rich media with animation and motion graphics, but mastering Flash isn't easy. Most entry-level books teach through simple examples that concentrate on either animation or scripting, but rarely both together. To get the most from Flash 8, you not only need to be proficient in programming/interface design, you need the creativity for story telling and the artistic insights to design fluid animation.
Flash 8: Projects for Learning Animation and Interactivity teaches Flash design rather than simply Flash itself. With a standalone series of walkthroughs and tutorials for Flash beginners coming from a graphics field, this book teaches Flash in the context of real-world projects. Rather than learn a Flash tool for the sake of it, you learn which areas of Flash are important, and which are less used, simply by seeing how typical content is actually created. And rather than a text-heavy approach, this graphically rich book leads you through hands-on examples by illustration...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
Flash 8 Cookbook
By Joey Lott
This practical, nuts-and-bolts toolkit puts theory into practice with ready-made answers to common Flash development questions. It's the perfect resource for Flash developers, as well as designers who are ready to start doing development work.
Flash 8 Cookbook offers quick look-up (and cross-referenced) recipes in four main categories:
Creating Flash Content
Building Interactive Flash Interfaces
Adding Multimedia and Data
Planning Flash Projects
Using O'Reilly's popular Problem/Solution/Discussion Cookbook format, this book offers 280 standalone recipes that include a brief explanation of how and why the solution works, so you can adapt it to similar situations you may run across in the future. For people who say, "I understand everything in theory, but I don't know where to start in practice," this book offers ready-to-use answers to real-world problems...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
Flash® 8 Action Script Bible
Flash has begun to mature as a product, and ActionScript has begun to mature as a language. That represents both opportunity and challenge to you. As a mature language, ActionScript provides a broad spectrum of features and functionality. The possibilities are limitless: There is great opportunity to build new, innovative, useful, and interesting applications using Flash and ActionScript. However, with that opportunity comes the challenge of learning how to use ActionScript effectively. If you want to express your thoughts and feelings well, you need the right language for communicating them. Likewise, with ActionScript the challenge is to learn the language so that there is a natural flow of expression that is seamless from its conception to its manifestation in code.
Our goal with this book is to provide you with the resources to learn the language so that you can express yourself elegantly and eloquently. We make every attempt to meet you right where you are in your journey, and to provide you with the support to get where you want to go. As you can see by the page count of this book, ActionScript is not a short topic. In fact, if you’re new to ActionScript it may seem overwhelming. However, it’s our intention to make learning ActionScript accessible. In this book, you’ll find that we’ve organized the topics in a way that we feel is most accessible to readers...
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2 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
English Through Pictures
This book will teach you the first step of English. It gives you about 500 important words in sentences, with the meaning shown through pictures...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Create Your Own Digital Photography
You purchased a digital camera to join the digital revolution. Yet you find yourself still using disposables because your digital camera is too complicated and you don't even know where to start to figure out how to use it. That's where Create Your Own Digital Photography comes in. From choosing a digital camera, to photography dos and don'ts, to printing and resolution constraints, you will walk through the entire digital photography process in days. You will learn five projects that every digital camera owner should know, including:
Creating a slideshow with music
Mixing film prints with digital pictures
Making posters, greeting cards, and calendars
Altering digital photos
Sharing photos on the web
Create Your Own Digital Photography won't bog you down with the intracacies of camera mechanics or software use. But it will give you numerous other tricks, tips, and information on how to get the most out of your digital camera, and it will show you how to use your camera to create the best digital photography you can in a short amount of time...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Graphic Design
Computer Graphics and Multimedia: Aplications, Problems and Solutions
Making sense of the extensive disciplines and sub-topics within computer graphics and multimedia is a lifelong challenge. No one can be versed in all areas at once due to the vast amounts of information that exists on all the subject areas and due to the dynamic nature of technology. Inevitably, we specialize. Programmers create programs and artists create art. Computer scientists are programmers and artists use computers to paint digitally and perform graphic design. That’s the way it is today, is that not accurate? Nothing could be further from the truth. In 1919, Bauhaus pioneer Wassily Kandinsky stated, “And so the arts are encroaching upon one another, and from a proper use of this encroachment will rise the art that is truly monumental” (Packer, xv, 2001). The emergence art that is truly monumental has not yet been seen. The same can be said of technology and science. Of course, time is marked by influential events that shape the history of the discipline, but one monumental event ultimately replaces another. Looking back is essential to growth, but looking forward to “the next big thing” is the prominent response to success. What has emerged on a superficial level is an artistic and technical society that has ingrained disciplinary boundaries that often characterize researchers, scholars, and artists as one-dimensional practitioners that do not stray from their grass roots. This notion has been changed with the growth of digital technology...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 15 - Lesson 15 Adding Interactive Slices and Rollovers
Slices are divisions of an image area that you can define using Adobe Photoshop or Adobe ImageReady. You can animate your slices, link them to URL addresses, and use them for rollover buttons. Another practical use of slices is to optimize them individually in different Web image formats to maximize the effectiveness of your Web images while minimizing download times...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 14 - Optimizing Web Images and Image Maps
For effective Web publishing, your images must strike a good balance between file size and display quality. Using Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady, you can optimize your images so that they have reasonable download times from a Web server without losing essential details, colors, transparencies, or navigational elements such as image maps...
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WordPress Complete
WordPress is an open-source blog engine released under the GNU general public license. It allows users to easily create dynamic blogs with great content and many outstanding features. It is an ideal tool for developing blogs and though it is chiefly used for blogging, it can also be used as a complete CMS with very little effort. Its versality and ease of use have attracted a large, enthusiastic, and helpful community of users.
If you want to create powerful, fully featured blogs in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore WordPress showing you what it offers and how to go about building your blog with the system...
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3 cangkeman Tjap: Web
Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP
Welcome to Professional Search Engine Optimization with PHP: A Developer’s Guide to SEO!
Search engine optimization has traditionally been the job of a marketing staff. With this book, we examine search engine optimization in a brand new light, evangelizing that SEO should be done by the programmer as well.
For maximum efficiency in search engine optimization efforts, developers and marketers should work together, starting from a web site’s inception and technical and visual design and moving throughout its development lifetime. We provide developers and IT professionals with the information they need to create and maintain a search engine–friendly web site and avoid common pitfalls that confuse search engine spiders. This book discusses in depth how to facilitate site spidering and discusses the various technologies and services that can be leveraged for site promotion.
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9 cangkeman Tjap: Web
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 13 - Preparing Images for Two-Color Printing
Not every commercially printed publication requires four-color reproduction. Printing in two colors using a grayscale image and spot color can be an effective and inexpensive alternative. In this lesson, you’ll learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to prepare full-color images for two-color printing...
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Search Engine Optimization For Dummies
Welcome to Search Engine Optimization For Dummies. What on earth would you want this book for? After all, can’t you just build a Web site, and then pay someone $25 to register the site with thousands of search engines? I’m sure you’ve seen the advertising: “We guarantee top-ten placement in a gazillion search engines!” “We’ll register you in 5,000 search engines today!”
Well, unfortunately, it’s not that simple. (Okay, fortunately for me, because if it were simple, Wiley Publishing wouldn’t pay me to write this book.) The fact is that search engine optimization is a little complicated. Not brain surgery complicated, but not as easy as “give us 50 bucks, and we’ll handle it for you.”...
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1 cangkeman Tjap: Internet
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 12 - Creating Special Effects
The huge assortment of filters available for Adobe Photoshop lets you transform ordinary images into extraordinarydigital artwork. You can select filters that simulate a traditional artistic medium—a watercolor, pastel, or sketched effect—or you can choose from filters that blur, bend, wrap, sharpen, or fragment images. In addition to using filters to alter images, you can use adjustment layers and painting modes to vary the look of your artwork.
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 11 - Advanced Layer Techniques
After you’ve learned basic layer techniques, you can create more complex effects in your artwork using layer masks, path groups, filters, adjustment layers, and more style layers.
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Learn XML Easiest Way
It's easy to get lost when talking about XML. It has grown into a huge topic, inspiring so many technologies and branching into new areas. Anywhere there is information, you'll find XML, or at least hear it scratching at the door. So priority number one is to get a broad view, ask the big questions, so that you can find your way through the dense jungle of standards and concepts.
There are a few questions that come to mind. What is XML? We will attack this from different angles. It's more than the next generation of HTML. It's a general-purpose information storage system. It's a markup language toolkit. It's an open standard. It's a collection of standards. It's a lot of things, as you'll see.
Where did it come from? It's good to have a historical perspective. You'll see how XML evolved out of preceding efforts like SGML, HTML, and the earliest presentational markup.
What can I do with XML? A practical question, again with several answers: store and retrieve data, ensure document integrity, format documents, and support many cultural localizations. And the following section answers the other question, what can't I do with XML? You need to know about the limitations, in case it isn't a good fit with your problem.
How do I get started? Without any hesitation, I hope. I'll describe the tools you need to get going with XML and test the examples in this book. From authoring, validating, checking well-formedness, transforming, formatting, and writing programs, you'll have a lot to play with.
So now, let us dive into the big questions. At the end, you should know enough to decide where to go from here. Future chapters will describe topics in more detail, such as core markup, quality control, style and presentation, programming interfaces, and internationalization...
4 Contents of this file:
Learning XML
XML Bible
The XML CD Bookshelf
XML Tutorial
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Web
blink - The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
In his landmark bestseller The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell redefined how we understand the world around us. Now, in Blink, he revolutionizes the way we understand the world within. Blink is a book about how we think without thinking, about choices that seem to be made in an instant...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
A Survival Guide for Working with Humans
Today, with a sputtering economy, collapsing and merging companies, corporate scandals, high-tech upheavals, and growing global competition, life in the workplace is more difficult than ever. Trusting in business relationships has become more uncertain, too.
It helps to have guidelines on how to maneuver through today's unpredictable work environment, much like learning to swim through a narrow chasm in a swirling river.
That's what A Survival Guide for Working with Humans is all about. It started with a series of mostly weekly columns in the San Francisco Bay Area on the perils of the workplace and what to do about them. Eventually my editor had to drop the columns to run more advertising and specialty features, but as reader response grew I decided to expand on the idea for these columns and turn them into a book. In a sense, I decided to take my own advice: to find a way to turn a problem into an opportunity and look for ways to put a positive spin on whatever happens. Indeed the columns themselves were inspired after a long-term relationship with a difficult client went south, and my solution to the problem ended up as the topic of one of the first columns...
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A Beautiful Mind - John Nash
Now A Major Motion Picture
The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John Nash
How could you. A mathematician, believe that extraterrestrials were sending you messages""the visitor from Harvard asked the West Virginian with the movie-star looks and 0fulympian manner. Because the ideas I had about supernatural beings came to me the same way my mathematical ideas did.- came the answer. "So I took them seriously"...
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78 Important Questions Every Leader Should Ask and Answer
Captain Jean-Luc Picard looked up from his log, checked the chronometer and decided that he had spent enough time in his ready room for one day. Time to get up and walk about a bit, get the feel of the ship under his feet. A crew had moods and the only way to find out what they are is to go out and tread the deck. Of course, he could just call in either Riker or Troi and put the question to them—How is the crew feeling?—and from their different perspectives form a clear and reliable picture. Over the years, Picard had learned that this method omitted an essential component. If he stayed in his ready room and waited for subordinates to bring him answers, the crew wouldn’t know how Picard was feeling, at least, how Picard wanted them to think he was feeling...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Others
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 10 - Vector Masks, Paths, and Shapes
You can make simple illustrations using vector paths in Adobe Photoshop or Adobe ImageReady. Working with vectors allows you to create shapes, which can be filled or stroked, and use vector masks to control what is shown in an image. This lesson will introduce you to advanced uses of vector shapes and vector masks...
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0 cangkeman Tjap: Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 9 - Basic Pen Tool Techniques
The pen tool draws precise straight or curved lines called paths. You can use the pen tool as a drawing tool or as a selection tool. When used as a selection tool, the pen tool always draws smooth, anti-aliased outlines. These paths are an excellent alternative to using the standard selection tools for creating intricate selections...
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