The Adobe Photoshop 7.0 painting engine is so sophisticated and powerful that the possibilities for using it are virtually unlimited. This lesson gives you just a taste of the many techniques and approaches you can use in your work...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 8 - Painting and Editing
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 7 - Retouching and Repairing
New features in Adobe Photoshop 7.0 and ImageReady 7.0 build on the success of the clone tool to make retouching photographs even easier and more intuitive. Thanks to the underlying technology supporting these new features, even touchups of the human face appear so lifelike and natural that it is difficult to detect that the photograph has been altered.
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 6 - Masks and Channels
Adobe Photoshop uses masks to isolate and manipulate specific parts of an image. A mask is like a stencil. The cutout portion of the mask can be altered, but the area surrounding the cutout is protected from change. You can create a temporary mask for one-time use, or you can save masks for repeated use...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 5 - Layer Basics
Both Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady let you isolate different parts of an image on layers. Each layer can then be edited as discrete artwork, allowing unlimited flexibility in composing and revising an image...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 4 - Working with Selections
Learning how to select areas of an image is of primary importance— you must first select what you want to affect. Once you’ve made a selection, only the area within the selection can be edited. Areas outside the selection are protected from change...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 3 - Basic Photo Corrections
Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady include a variety of tools and commands for improving the quality of a photographic image. This lesson steps you through the process of acquiring, resizing, and retouching a photo intended for a print layout. The same workflow applies to Web images...
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Adobe After Effects® 7.0: Classroom in a Book
The fastest, easiest, most comprehensive way to learn Adobe After Effects 7!
Classroom in a Book, the best-selling series of hands-on software training workbooks, helps you learn the features of Adobe software quickly and easily. Classroom in a Book offers what no other book or training program does--an official training series from Adobe Systems Incorporated, developed with the support of Adobe product experts. Adobe After Effects 7.0 Classroom in a Book contains eleven lessons and a bonus DVD with lesson files. The book covers the basics of learning Adobe After Effects, and countless tips and techniques to help you quickly become an After Effects artist. You'll get thorough training in digital video effects and production as well as learn about After Effects 7.0's new features, including motion tracking, powerful animation and keyframing controls, HDR color support, network rendering, and more. You can follow the book from start to finish or choose only those lessons that interest you...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 2 - Using the File Browser
You can use the new File Browser as a time-saver for many tasks, including creating new folders, renaming files, moving files, and deleting them from your hard disk. But the unique power of the File Browser is its ability to display thumbnails and metadata for unopened files, making it extremely easy to find and open just the files you need. You can even rotate images in the File Browser...
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Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Classroom In A Book: Lesson 1 - Getting to Know the Work Area
As you work with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe ImageReady, you’ll discover that there is often more than one way to accomplish the same task. To make the best use of the extensive editing capabilities in these programs, you first must learn to navigate the work area...
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Access 2002 Bible
Essentially, Access is a database management system (DBMS). Like other products in this category, Access stores and retrieves information (often referred as a data), presents requested information, and automates repetitive tasks (such as maintaining accounts payable or a personnel system, and performing inventory control and scheduling. With Access you can create easy-to-use input forms like the one shown in Figure 1-1. You can display your information ini any way that you want and run powerful reports...
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50 essential Excel tips
Your users can save a lot of time and effort working with Excel if they know a few tricks and shortcuts. These valuable tips originally appeared in our Excel e-newsletter, which has now been beefed up to include productivity tips for the entire Microsoft Office suite...
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Building an Intranet with Windows NT 4
Author: Scott Zimmerman and Tim Evans
I'd like to begin each chapter with a brief overview of what's ahead. These lists might help you determine whether you would like to skim through any material that you are already familiar with.
By now it's hard to imagine how anyone can have missed learning at least something about the World Wide Web and the Internet. Mass-circulation newspapers and magazines and broadcast media feature the Internet regularly. You often see Web page addresses (known as Uniform Resource Locators, or URLs) in television commercials and printed advertisements. The story of the meteoric rise of Netscape Communications Corporation on the stock market jumped from the financial page to the front page. Universities, businesses, and other organizations have rushed to "get on the Web," while entrepreneurs have moved equally quickly to take advantage of this rush by setting up shop on the shoulders of the Information Superhighway, hawking everything from Internet connections to Web-page authoring to Web-related conferences...
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Accounting for Managers
William H. Webster, CPA
Accounting knowledge is a core business skill that both complements and enhances your other talents. Individuals promoted to management or supervisory roles from either line or staff jobs find that many of their new responsibilities involve knowing something about accounting. Congratulations on your promotion! You’ve come to the right place to start developing those accounting skills. If you haven’t had a recent promotion, more congratulations are in order. You are taking steps to gain the skills that will lead to promotion in the near future.
Your new duties could involve record keeping or report preparation and forwarding the results to the appropriate department. You might also be involved in preparing or analyzing departmental budgets. Maybe you are in sales and have questions about why there isn’t more money for travel. Perhaps your company has a profit-sharing plan and you’re suddenly intensely interested in how profits are calculated. You could be working in a smaller business where you now have full responsibility for the production function and have to decide where and how to spend the money. Any of these events could trigger your awareness that you need to know something about accounting and how money works in an organization...
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3,001 Business & Sales Letters
Copyright (C) 1996-2003. WriteExpress Corporation
All Rights Reserved.
Revision 7/12/2003
Table of Contents
1. Manual Installation for Microsoft Word
2. How to Uninstall WriteExpress 3,001 Business & Sales Letters
3. How to use 3,001 Business & Sales Letters
4. Topic Overview
5. About Find
6. WriteExpress Rhymer and Phonetic Finder Product Descriptions
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AutoCAD 2002 Bible
At Autodesk we prefer to think of more than just software, but rather the whole environment of an AutoCAD 2002 user. The AutoCAD 2002 Bible should be part of every user’s immediate environment. Work with it. Refer to it each time you have a question. Use it to augment the digital learning resources that come with AutoCAD 2002: AutoCAD Learning Assistance, AutoCAD Today, the Help system, and the online resources of Autodesk Point A, which is seamlessly integrated into AutoCAD 2002. Keep the AutoCAD 2002 Bible handy and browse through it whenever you need a break or have some spare time. You’ll discover myriad capabilities to AutoCAD 2002 you probably weren’t aware even existed. You’ll learn new and better ways to accomplish tasks, and continuously improve your overall performance using AutoCAD 2002.
Wayne Hodgins
Strategic Futurist
Director, Worldwide Learning Strategies
Autodesk, Inc.
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CATIA for Design and Engineering
Version 5 Releases 14 & 15
This tutorial will demonstrate the creation of extruded features within CATIA. An extruded feature is defined as a profile swept a straight direction a user-defined distance. CATIA’s Pad command is used to create positive spaced extrusions (mass), while the Pocket command is used to create negative space or cut features.
The following topics will be covered within this tutorial:
• Setting CATIA options
• Viewing toolbars
• Sketching geometry
• Using the Profile tool to create sketch geometry
• Creating dimensional constraints
• Creating geometric constraints
• Creating a Pad feature
• Creating a Pocket feature
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XML for Dummies
Welcome to the latest frontier of Web technology. In XML For Dummies, 4th Edition, we introduce you to the mysteries of eXtensible Markup
Language (XML). XML is helping developers capture, manipulate, and exchange all kinds of documents and data, ranging from news feeds to financial transactions. In fact, many experts believe XML represents a kind of “lingua franca” that can represent information in just about any imaginable form, more accessibly than ever before — not only to human readers, but also to all kinds of computer applications and services.
We take a practical and straightforward approach to telling you about XML and what it can do for your data and document capture, management, and exchange efforts. We try to keep the amount of technobabble to a minimum and stick to plain English as much as possible. We also try to keep the focus on practical applications of XML technology, including desktop applications such as Office 2003. We have carefully chosen what we feel are the most relevant XML technologies for developers today. Besides plain talk about XML — and the many special-purpose applications that XML supports for document designers and authors, graphics developers, and many other communities of technical and business interests — we include lots of sample markup to help you put XML to work in your organization, business, or personal life. (No personal life is quite complete without a little XML.)...
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Building Your Business with Google FOR DUMmIES
In the Introduction of Google For Dummies I wrote, “There has never been an Internet phenomenon like Google.” The book you’re holding now doubles the truth of that statement, revealing and illuminating the hidden half of Google. Taken together, Google’s front end (the consumer search engine) and back end (the business services) make up an online juggernaut arguably more significant to online society than eBay,, or Yahoo! right now. And Google’s momentum as a revenue-generating media company is just starting to pick up speed...
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Windows Server 2003 for Dummies
Welcome to Windows Server 2003 For Dummies, the book that helps anyone who's unfamiliar with Windows Server 2003 (or networks in general) find his or her way around a Windows Server 2003-based network. In a wired world, networks provide the links that tie all users together. Even if you're not using a network already, you probably will use one someday! This book tells you what's going on, in basic, straightforward terms.
Although a few fortunate individuals may be acquainted with Windows Server 2003 and networks already, a lot more of us are not only unfamiliar with networking but also downright scared of it. To those who may be worried about the prospect of facing new and difficult technologies, we say, "Don't worry. Be happy." Using a network is not beyond anyone's wits or abilities — it's mostly a matter of using a language that ordinary people can understand.
Ordinary folks are why this book talks about using Windows Server 2003 and networks in simple — and deliberately irreverent — terms. Nothing is too highfalutin to be mocked, nor too arcane to state in plain English. And when we do have to get technical, we'll warn you and make sure to define our terms to boot...
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Using Visual Basic 6
Writing Your First Application
The best way to learn programming is to do programming. Therefore, let's create a program. Your first program will be a Visual Basic Calendar, which allows the end user to:
View a calendar of the present month
Browse months
View a clock that presents the current time
Read a secret message
If you think that this is too much functionality to implement for a beginner's program, don't worry; it's not. Visual Basic does most of the work for you. Unlike other languages, such as C++, where you have to program every little thing, Visual Basic brings a high degree of automatic programming to your fingertips. Thus, you can do a lot with not a lot of code.
However, don't misinterpret "not a lot of code" to mean "not a lot of power." Visual Basic is a very powerful language. You can write Visual Basic code that does "every little thing" if you want or need it to. You also can exploit the labor-saving nature of VB to implement a program quickly. The choice is yours. Visual Basic is versatile enough to be useful to a broad range of programmers--from beginner to seasoned professional...
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The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming
"If you have any interest in writing .NET programs using Active Directory or ADAM, this is the book you want to read." Joe Richards, Microsoft MVP, directory services
Identity and Access Management are rapidly gaining importance as key areas of practice in the IT industry, and directory services provide the fundamental building blocks that enable them. For enterprise developers struggling to build directory-enabled .NET applications, The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming will come as a welcome aid.
Microsoft MVPs Joe Kaplan and Ryan Dunn have written a practical introduction to programming directory services, using both versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the .NET Framework. The extensive examples in the book are in C#; a companion Web site includes both C# and Visual Basic source code and examples.
Readers will
Learn to create, rename, update, and delete objects in Active Directory and ADAM
Learn to bind to and search directories effectively and efficiently
Learn to read and write attributes of all types in the directory
Learn to use directory services within ASP.NET applications
Get concrete examples of common programming tasks such as managing Active Directory and ADAM users and groups, and performing authentication
Experienced .NET developers those building enterprise applications or simply interested in learning about directory services will find that The .NET Developer's Guide to Directory Services Programming unravels the complexities and helps them to avoid the common pitfalls that developers face...
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Mastering Delphi 7
The first time Zack Urlocker showed me a yet-to-be-released product code-named Delphi, I realized that it would change my work—and the work of many other software developers. I used to struggle with C++ libraries for Windows, and Delphi was and still is the best combination of object-oriented programming and visual programming not only for this operating system but also for Linux and soon for .NET.
Delphi 7 simply builds on this tradition and on the solid foundations of the VCL to deliver another astonishing and all-encompassing software development tool. Looking for database, client/server, multitier, intranet, or Internet solutions? Looking for control and power? Looking for fast productivity? With Delphi and the plethora of techniques and tips presented in this book, you'll be able to accomplish all this...
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Delphi 3D GFX
Подведем итог конкурса логотипов. Всем авторам принявшим участие большое спасибо, было прислано много работ, но победитель всегда один - им становится Урб ( - вот три его замечательные работы...
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Dalam bahasa pemrograman visual Delphi, terdapat sebuah komponen yang bisa digunakan untuk mempermuudah operasi matematika yang menggunakan matriks. Komponen tersebut dinamakan StringGrid. Komponen tersebut berada di dalam tab Additional...
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Modul Delphi
1.1 Borland Delphi
• Bahasa pemrograman dibuat oleh Borland International, yang berbasis Windows 9.x, Windows NT.
• Perangkat Lunak untuk membuat aplikasi secara cepat / Rapid Application Development (RAD)
• Pemrograman berorientasi Objek.
• Menggunakan bahasa object Pascal.
• Untuk membangun aplikasi secara Visual (pemrograman visual)
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Pemograman Delphi untuk Pemula: IDE dan Struktur Pemrograman
Bagi pemula seringkali bingung ketika hendak mempelajari bahasa pemrograman, apapun bahasanya. Padahal tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan untuk mempelajari sebuah bahasa pemrograman. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas cara memulai belajar bahasa pemrogramanan, khususnya Delphi. Namun cara seperti ini bisa diterapkan pula untuk belajar bahasa pemrograman yang lain, seperti keluarga xbase : dbase, Clipper, Foxbase/foxpro, keluarga visual : Delphi, Visual Basic, Visual C dan sebagainya. Kali ini akan dibahas tiga struktur perintah dalam pemrograman komputer yaitu :
1. Perintah berupa Sequence (diproses oleh kompiler secara berurutan)
2. Perintah berupa Pencabangan / Pemilihan kasus (diproses sesuai kasus yang terpenuhi)
3. Perintah berupa Pengulangan (diproses secara berulang sampai kondisi tertentu)
Keywords: Sequence, Pencabangan, Pengulangan, Delphi
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Red Hat Linux Unleashed, Second Edition
I don't know how many times I have been asked what Red Hat is. When I say that it is a distribution of Linux, people tend to know what I am talking about. (At least the people I hang around with do!) The follow-up question is usually something like, "Okay, if it is a distribution of Linux, why should I use it, and not Linux itself?" This introduction should start to answer that question. Red Hat also answers the question on its Web page (, which is summarized in this introduction.
Linux is a full-fledged operating system. It provides full multitasking in a multiuser environment. It gives a high quality of software for a cost far lower than other commercial versions of UNIX. Red Hat has opted to take Linux a step further...
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Because this book assumes that you already know how to program in Java, you already have a good idea of what features are in the Java language. This book will notteach you how to program in Java; it takes the next step by showing you what you can do with Java and how to do it.
Java as a Web Programming Language
Much of the initial appeal of Java comes from the fact that it can be embedded in Web pages. It allows you to go beyond the static nature of Web pages by making your pages come alive.Using Java's Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), you can create interactive forms that go beyond the simple act of filling in a bunch of fields and clicking the Submit button. You can perform error checking on forms, provide context-sensitive help, even give the user suggestions or examples. Some of these things you can do without Java, but not as quickly.
Java allows you to improve the interaction between the client and the server. The HTTP protocol, the native language of the World Wide Web, is very specific and somewhat restrictive as far as the interaction between the client and server. Whenever a client needs to send data to the server, it must open up a network connection, send a set of headers and the request data, and then sit and wait for a response. The server has very few options for sending data to a client. It must wait for the client to send it information, and the only option it has for sending back multiple responses is the "multi-part" message, in which the server sends part of a response, and then later sends more of the response. Given the static nature of Web pages, this has always been considered acceptable. Also, because the network connection is closed after a server has sent a response back to the client, there is no notion of a session within HTTP. Clients and servers have had to come up with their own interesting ways of maintaining session information between requests. The Netscape Cookie protocol is one such method...
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Complete Idiot's Guide to JavaScript, Second Edition
Welcome to The Complete Idiot's Guide to JavaScript, Second Edition!
The Complete Idiot's Guide to JavaScript introduces you, gentle reader, to the hottest property in cyberspace today: JavaScript. With JavaScript, a normal, everyday, Internet-familiar person can create Web pages with the finesse of an experienced guru. No mantras, no strange languages, and no expensive compilers are necessary—just a little common sense and an open mind.
This book explains what JavaScript is, how it works, what it's made of, and how you can use it. As a second edition, it also brings you up-to-date on the new features introduced in JavaScript 1.1. You'll discover the component parts that make up this language and come to understand all the esoteric pieces in a language that don't require a Ph.D. You'll even find several examples of JavaScript scripts in action that you can rip apart, change, and enhance.
What about the title of this book: The Complete Idiot's Guide? Well, it assumes that you're no idiot on your own turf. You know your job, you know what you want, you know how to get things done. But there's one thing you don't know: how to use JavaScript...
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mr nick's guide to cracking
DISCLAIMER: Please note that this is for educational purposes only. It will teach someone how to remove protections from programs, but not encourage it for illegal purposes. The idea, in the guide is to show how people add protections onto software, and how you can use your skills as a computer expert to undo those protections etc..
Welcome, this is the first in my installation of guides aimed at the 'newbies'. This though is different to all the other guides. Here is why.
This guide is aimed at the very beginner in cracking... it contains picutes, much like a book when you were a kid. This is to make things more easier to understand and it really didn't take that long to do... (honestly). I could have written this in 5 lines, but as I said this is for the newbie.
Please tell me if you want pictures or not..This is a new idea, and I am seeing if it helps or not. Remember this is for the NEWBIE...
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Cracking Tutorial Compilation Vol.1
Written by Tikka Wang
I personaly want to crack software because i enjoy the challenge also it feels quite nice making a serial number for something or removing a nag screen.
Most cracking tutorials say stuff like, this is only for educational purposes and to an extent i would say this is right but software is extremly expensive and cracked software is distributed so easily accross the internet that its far to easy to just search for a crack on google or use a p2p network.
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The Cracking Manual
Written By The Cyborg - April 3, 1992
Welcome to the wonderful world of cracking. What is cracking? If you don't know and you're reading this, ask yourself why? Anyway, cracking is the art of removing copy protected coding from programs. Why do this? In recent years, software companies have been fighting to keep copy protection in their software to avoid their work to be illegally copied. Users feel that such copy protection is ridiculous in that it violate their own rights to make backups of their sometimes expensive investments.
Whichever side you may favor, this manual will go into some detail on removing copy protection from programs. If you feel offended by this, then I would suggest you stop here. Please note, I do not endorse cracking for the illegal copying of software. Please take into consideration the hard work and effort of many programmers to make the software. Illegal copying would only increase prices on software for all people. Use this manual with discretion as I place into your trust and judgement with the following knowledge.
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Cracking the Windows 95 Screen Saver Password
Article Extracted from 2600 Magazine
Volume 13 #4
Defeating the Windows 95 Screensaver
by rdpzza
While many may consider this a trivial exercise, cracking the password scheme for Win95 may be useful to some of you out there. Some may even find ways to have phun with it as well...
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Cracking the Universal Product Code
by Count Nibble
Everyone encounters the UPC nowadays. You know, it's that set of black bars you see on virtually every product whenever you go to the grocery store, to buy a book or a magazine, or even to buy software (assuming that you do, indeed, BUY your software). Have you ever though of what fun you could have by altering that little set of black bars? If you were lucky enough, you might be able to slip a box of industrial size laundry detergent by that dizzy 16-year-old girl at the Safeway and have the computer charge you the price of a pack of Juicy Fruit, or some other such mischief. Well, to help you in your
explorations of How To Screw Over Others In This Grand Old Computerized World of Ours, I proudly present HOW TO CRACK TO UPC CODE. Use the information contained herein as you will. You will need the file UPC.PIC, hopefully available from the same place you found this file. And so, let's begin:
When the lady at the corner market runs the package over the scanner (or whatever it is they do in your area), the computerized cash register reads the UPC code as a string of binary digits. First it finds the "frame bars" - a sequence of "101" (see A on picture). There are three sets of frame bars on any given on either side, and one in the center. These do nothing but set off the rest of the data, and are the same on any UPC code. Next is the "number system character" digit, which is encoded in leftside code (see later). This digit tells the computer what type of merchandise is being purchased...
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Pro Visual C++/CLI and the .NET 2.0 Platform
Stephen R. G. Fraser
First off, let’s get one thing straight. This book is about developing code within the confines of the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. Therefore, it only makes sense that you start by getting acquainted with the underlying architecture with which you will be developing your code: the .NET Framework.
I cover a lot of material in this chapter, mostly at the 30,000-foot level. The main goal here isn’t to make you a .NET Framework expert. This chapter is designed to provide you with a level playing field from which to start your C++/CLI code development while exploring this book.
I start with a brief description of what the .NET Framework is and why we programmers need it. Then, I briefly examine the assembly, which is the central building block for all .NET Framework application distribution and execution. Next, I move on to the core of .NET Framework: the common language runtime (CLR), the common type system (CTS), and the common language specification (CLS). Finally, I discuss, at a very high level, the software components available to .NET Framework developers…
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Pemrograman Bahasa Assembly
Walaupun bahasa tingkat tinggi terus berkembang dengan segala fasilitas dan kemudahannya, peranan bahasa pemrograman tingkat rendah tetap tidak dapat digantikan. Bahasa assembly mempunyai keunggulan yang tidak mungkin diikuti oleh bahasa tingkat apapun dalam hal kecepatan, ukuran file yang kecil serta kemudahan dalam manipulasi sistem komputer.
Buku ini disusun berdasarkan pengalaman dari penulis sendiri dalam menggunakan bahasa assembler. Oleh karenanya buku ini disusun dengan harapan bagi anda yang tidak tahu sedikitpun tentang assembly dapat belajar sehingga assembler akan tampak sama mudahnya dengan bahasa tingkat tinggi…
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Tuntunan Lengkap Untuk si Idiot (Assembly)
Makasih buat anda-anda yang udah menyempatkan diri Membaca naskah ini, perlu anda ketahui naskah ini memang menyesuaikan dengan judul yang tertera pada nama file ini. Penulis menganggap pembaca adalah para idiot yang tidak bisa menggunakan Tools programming Assembler dan sejenisnya ( kalo situ udah pinter ngapain ni naskah dibaca, udah simpen lagi aja). Sekedar tambahan penulis tidak suka bercanda jadi tulisan diatas di katakan sepenuh hati, jiwa dan raga.
Judul diatas memang betul adanya pada naskah ini saya mau membahas lagi secara khusus tentang pemrograman Assembly untuk para pemula yang tengah meraba-raba MASM. MASM bisa anda DownLoad secara Cuma2x lengkap beserta Tools, toys dan sebagainya di .
Penulis berani sumpah, kalo kemampuan penulis dalam Assembly programming masih pas-pasan, kalo boleh jujur penulis juga masih rada-rada gagap dalam assembly. Juga Selain berani sumpah, penulis juga berani menyumpahi para pembaca yang sekarang sedang senyumsenyum sendiri entah mengapa sebabnya, tapi penulis yakin karena
wajah penulis tampan kan? ( teheeee…, becanda kok tapi perihal tampannya penulis memang benar adanya)…
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Pengantar Algoritma dan Pemrograman
Apakah Itu Algoritma
Ditinjau dari asal usul katanya kata Algoritma sendiri mempunyai sejarah yang aneh. Orang hanya menemukan kata Algorism yang berarti proses menghitung dengan angka arab. Anda dikatakan Algorist jika anda menghitung menggunakan Angka Arab. Para ahli bahasa berusaha menemukan asal kata ini namun hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Akhirnya para ahli sejarah matematika menemukan asal kata tersebut yang berasal dari nama penulis buku arab yang terkenal yaitu Abu Ja’far Muhammad Ibnu Musa Al-Khuwarizmi. Al-Khuwarizmi dibaca orang barat menjadi Algorism. Al-Khuwarizmi menulis buku yang berjudul Kitab Al Jabar Wal-Muqabala yang artinya “Buku pemugaran dan pengurangan” (The book of restoration and reduction). Dari judul buku itu kita juga memperoleh akar kata “Aljabar” (Algebra). Perubahan kata dari Algorism menjadi Algorithm muncul karena kata Algorism sering dikelirukan dengan Arithmetic, sehingga akhiran –sm berubah menjadi –thm. Karena perhitungan dengan angka Arab sudah menjadi hal yang biasa. Maka lambat laun kata Algorithm berangsur-angsur dipakai sebagai metode perhitungan (komputasi) secara umum, sehingga kehilangan makna kata aslinya. Dalam Bahasa Indonesia, kata Algorithm diserap menjadi Algoritma…
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- Access 2002 Bible
- 50 essential Excel tips
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